Main products:GRS plush toy
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    Easy Go Toy Co.,Ltd
    Wechat: Address:No.1 Batian Industrial Park, Datong Town, Tianchang City, 239300, China.
Origin of plush toy(毛绒玩具的起源)


Plush toy design has a long history.Long time ago in China,ancient Rome and some other places,it appeared the plush toys prototype,such as cloth dolls,cloth tigers and so on.The earliest place which start produce currect kind of plush toy is Germany.


The Steiff company started the real sense of plush toy design 120 years ago.At present,the Steiff company is the most famous plush toys design and manufacturing company.Of course, the price of its products is also high staggering.For a size of 32 inch product,lowest price is more than 500 euros.In the 20th century,plush toy family added a few important members:Teddy bears,Winnie The Pooh,Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck,The dog snoopy,The cat Garfield and so on.


史泰福毛绒玩具的品牌故事 Brand story of Steiff plush toy

玛格丽特,史黛芙女士 1847年诞生于德国南方小镇Giengen,在一岁半时不幸罹患小儿麻痹症,从此注  定她须***在轮椅上渡过一生,但并没有打倒这位活泼、乐观的小女孩,在1879时即创立了自己的绒布服装店。

Ms Margarete Steiff was born in a southern town Giengen in Germany in 1847.Unfortunately,she suffered from polio when she was one and a half year old.Since then she must be in a wheelchair through the way.However,it didnt knock down the lively and optimistic girl.She founded her own clothing shop in 1879.


In December 1879,Ms Margarete found a model of elephant toy in a magazine called "Modewelt" .She tried to make some toys and send them to her friends.Because of the acclaimed,gradually in 1883,she developed a a series of small plush animal toys,which be added in the catalog of garment products.On March 3, 1893,the Steiff company officially registered.At that time,the turnover is 40,000 Mark and she has 4 employees.In 1897,with the help of her brother(Fritz),employees were added to 10 people and turnover were added to 90,000 Mark.

1894Steiff正式进军展览会,而Fritz的儿子-Rihard的加入,更为Steiff开启了新的一页,他根据其在史图加特动物园的素描,设计出头手脚可动的熊及猴子,带着这些新产品,他参加了美国利普兹克展览会,一开始几乎没有人有兴趣。等展览快结束时,一位来自美国的买主-Hermann Berg 代表GeoBorgfledt&Co. 公司,对于这创新的产品相当有兴趣,并当场订购了3000只,可惜的是,这些具有历史里程碑意义的泰迪熊已经无法找到。

In 1894,Steiff officially entered the exhibition.Since Fritz's son -Rihard joined the company, Steiff opened a new page.He designed some plush monkey and bear toys whose heads,hands and feet can be movable based on the Sketch of the Stuttgart Zoo.He brought the new products and attended the United States Lippsk exhibition.At the beginning,few people were interested in the new toys.When the exhibition came to an end,one buyer called Hermann Bergrom from United States who represented GeoBorgfledt& company showed a great interest in the creative products.He ordered 3000pcs on the spot.Its a pity that these historic teddy bear cannot be found now.

    1902年由于美国罗斯福总统的一段趣闻故事,使得绒毛玩具熊有了一真正的名字“Teddy bear”泰迪熊,这让Steiff bears 热潮很快的就能够席卷全美国各地,更将此吹向全世界。制造了年产将近1百万只的Steiff泰迪熊透过世界各国销售至各地!

In 1902,plush toy bear has a real name Teddy bear bacause of an interesting story of President Roosevelt in USA.This let Steiff bears famous in the United States, and popular all over the world.

About 1,000,000 Steiff teddy bears were manufactured and selled to all over the world.

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  • Address:No.1 Batian Industrial Park, Datong Town, Tianchang City, 239300, China.

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