Main products:GRS plush toy
RSS |86-550-7090880

    Easy Go Toy Co.,Ltd
    Wechat: Address:No.1 Batian Industrial Park, Datong Town, Tianchang City, 239300, China.
Quality inspection requirements standard.

一、 裁片检查: 
1. 待裁布料的摆放须***按一正一反的方法摆放在裁床上,毛向须***一致;Uncut fabric need to be put on the cutting bed according to positive and negative method , the hair direction must be consistent .

2. 所裁毛绒的层数不允许超过8层,TC布,尼龙布,电子丝绒,拉毛布等薄式布料不允许超过36层; The material can not be more than 8 layers, The thin fabric didnot more than 36 layers , like  T/C plush , nylon ,electronic velvet and so on .

3. 检查裁片是否与裁板吻合,裁片的***上层与***下层有无误差,当发现有误差时,应检查裁片的层数与刀模的刀口;Comparing the cutting pieces with the paper mould , checking the cutting pieces whole quality .When we found have tolerance on the cutting pieces , we need to check the fabric layers and machine mould blade .

4. 裁片的颜色不允许有色差,须***与签办一致。进行磨擦与洗水试验时不得有掉色现象的发生; The color of the material must be consistent , as same as confirmation sample .The material will not be fade and can be pass the friction and washing experiments .

5. 有白边的布料,裁床时注意不要将白边裁进去,凡裁片有白边应视为不合格品。If the fabric have the white border , the cutting need to be more careful , the white border can not be left on the cutting pieces . If the cutting pieces have the white border , it will be marked unqualified .

二、 车缝检验: Sewing inspection
1. 车缝的止口应不少于316″尺寸小的玩具的止口应不少于18″  The gap between seam and edge is no less than 3/16 , if the small size , the gap is no less than 1/8 .

2. 车缝时两块布料须***对齐,止口应该均匀。不允许宽窄不一。(特别是圆形和有弧度的裁片的车缝以及脸部的车缝);When sewing , the cutting pieces need to be aligned and the gap need evenly .Avoiding have different widths.( Especially the round pieces , curvature pieces sewing and the face of the sewing .)

3. 车缝的针距,每寸应不少于9针;Sewing pitch, each inch should be no less than 9 needles. 

4. 车缝的末端须***有回车针;The end of the sewing must have a return needle.

5. 车缝用的车线,须***合乎拉力要求(见前面QA试验方法)且用色正确; The sewing thread must meet the rally requirements ( refer to the previous QA test method ) and use the correct color .

6. 在车缝中,车工须***边车缝边用镊子将毛绒往内拨进,避免形成秃毛带In the sewing , the worker need to use the tweezers to dial in the plush, to avoid the formation of the bald hair band .

7. 布标上的车缝,首先应检查所用布标是否正确,不允许将布标上的文字,字母车进去。布标不能打皱,位置不能倒转;When sewing the wash label , the label need to be checked firstly. After confirming ,we can use it .  In the sewing process , the letters on the label shall not be allowed to enter . The label can not be wrinkled and the position can not ne reversed .

8. 车缝时,玩具的两手,两脚,两耳的毛向须***一致,并且要对称(特殊情况除外);The plush toys hands , feet , ears of the hair must be consistent and symmetry in the sewing .( except for special circumstances )

9. 玩具头部的中线须***与身体的中线对齐,玩具身体接合处的车缝线须***吻合。(特殊情况除外)。The center line of the head must be aligned with the center line of the body, and the sewing of the body joint must be consistent. ( except for special circumstances )

10. 不允许车缝线上有漏针及跳针之现象发生; The sewing thread must be coherent .

11. 车缝好的半成品应该放在固定位置,以免丢失及弄脏;Sewn semi-finished products should be put in a fixed place , so as not to be lost or solied . 

12. 所有裁剪工具应该妥善保管,上下班要认真清理; All cutting tools should be properly kept ,and cleaned up after work .

13. 遵守客户的其它规定与要求。 Comply with customers requirements and regulations .

三、手工质量检查(成品检查按手工质量标准进行检验) Manual quality inspection:( inspection of finished products according to manual quality standard )

   手工是玩具生产的关键工序,是玩具从半成品到成品的过渡阶段,决定玩具的形象及质量的好坏,各级质检人员须***严格按下列要求进行检验。Manual is a key process for the plush toy produciton , is a transitional stage for the plush toy from the semi-finished products to finished products . It will determin the quality and image for the plush toy .All quality inspection personnel must be follow the requirements strictly .

1、 订眼: Sticth the eyes

A、 检查所用之眼睛是否正确,眼睛质量是否合乎标准,凡有花眼、水泡、残缺、划痕即为不合格品,不可以使用; Checking the eye quality according the standard . If there are presbyopia,incomplete,scratch , it will be marked unquality , also it can not be used .

B、 检查眼垫是否配套,太大或太小都不可以接受; It is not acceptable that the eye pads are too large or too small

C了解眼睛的正确位置,高低眼或眼距错误不可以接受Confirming the correct position for the eye .If the eye position is wrong, it is not acceptable .

D、 在订眼时应调整订眼机的***佳力度,不可使眼睛震裂或松动;The eyes should be nailed firmly .

E、 任何订眼均须***能够承受21LBS的拉力。 The eyes be able to withstand the pull of 21 LBS .

2、 订鼻: Sticth the nose

A、 检查所用之鼻是否正确,表面有无破损,有无变形; Checking the nose quality and shape .

B、 位置摆放正确,位置不对或歪曲均不可以接受; Confirming the nose position , the position is incorrect or distorted will not be acceptable .

C、 调整订眼机的***佳力度,不能因用力不当致使鼻表面破损或松动;Adjust the best strength of the eye machine, improper strength will cause the damage and loosen .

D、 拉力要合乎要求,须***承受21LBS的拉力。 The nose be able to withstand the pull of 21 LBS

3、 热熔: Hot melt 

A、 眼、鼻尾部尖锐部位须***热熔,一般要求从******热熔至末端;The sharp part of the eye and nose must be hot melt. It is generally required to be melt from the tip to the end .

B、 热熔不******或热熔过头(将垫片熔掉)均不可接受;The hot melt is not thorough or hot melt is over (melt the gasket off ) are all not be accept .

C、 热熔时注意不要将玩具其它部位烧焦。Be careful not to burn other part of the plush toy during hot melt . 

4、 充棉: Cotton filling

A、 充棉的总体要求是形象饱满而手感柔软; The requirement of cotton filling is full of image and soft to the touch.

B、 充棉须***达到要求之重量,充棉不足或各部不平均不可以接受;The cotton be filled according to requirements strictly,and the cotton should be filled evenly .

C、 注意头部的充棉为要点,嘴部的充棉一定要结实、饱满、突出;Pay attention to the head of cotton , the mouth of the cotton must be firm, plump , prominrnt .

D、 玩具身体各部角落的充棉不可以遗漏; The filling of the plush toy body corners can not be omitted .

E、 凡站立的玩具,四脚充棉应该坚实有力,不能有软塌之感觉; Standing plush toy , four cotton filling should be firm , not too soft .

F、 凡坐立的玩具,屁股及腰部充棉为要点,一定要坐得稳。坐不稳时要用针挑棉,否则不能接受;Sitting plush toy , the cotton on the buttocks and waist is important , must be sit steady . When it can not be sit well , we need to use the needle to pick cotton .

G、 充棉不能使玩具变形,特别是手脚的位置,头部的角度,方向;Filling cotton can not deform the plush toy , especially the hands and feet position , the head angle and direction . 

H、 充棉后玩具的尺寸大小须***与签办一致,不允许比签办小,这是检查充棉的要点; After filling cotton , the plush toy size need to be as same as the confirmation sample . This is the point of the check .

I、 所有充棉之玩具都须***对照签办,不断改进,力求wm****。任何不符合签办之缺点都不可以接受; All mass production plush toy need to be compared with the confirmation sample , continuously improved and strive for perfection . Any defect that does not as same as the confirmation sample is not acceptable .

J、 凡充棉后有爆口,脱纱之现象,均为不合格品。After filling cotton , if there is a broken hole , the phenomenon of picking yarn on the plush toy . It will be marked unquality .

5、 缝口刷毛:Seam brushing  

A、 所有缝口须***严实平整,不允许有破洞,松口之现象,检查方法可用一只圆珠笔向缝口处向内插,不可以插进去,用手抠缝口外不能感到有间隙存在;All seams must be tight and smooth , the holes are not be allowed . We can use a ballpoint pen to check it . When we put the ballpoint pen into the plush toy , the pen can not be passed .Also , we can pull the seam with our hand and feel no gap exist .

B、 缝口时的针距要求每寸不少于10针; Stitch picth , each inch should be no less than 10 needles .

C、 缝口时打结的结头不能暴露在外面; The knot at the seams can not be exposed outside

D、 缝口后不允许看见有棉花从缝口处渗出来; No cotton is allowed to seep out of the seam when we finished the stitch .

E、 刷毛须***干净******,不允许有秃毛带存在。特别手脚的角落部位;Brushing must be clean thorough, especially hand and feet part

F、 在刷薄毛绒时,不要用力过猛,以致将毛绒刷破; When brushing the thin plush , do not force too much , otherwise, the plush will be broken .



一、 裁片检查: 
1. 待裁布料的摆放须***按一正一反的方法摆放在裁床上,毛向须***一致;Uncut fabric need to be put on the cutting bed according to positive and negative method , the hair direction must be consistent .

2. 所裁毛绒的层数不允许超过8层,TC布,尼龙布,电子丝绒,拉毛布等薄式布料不允许超过36层; The material can not be more than 8 layers, The thin fabric didnot more than 36 layers , like  T/C plush , nylon ,electronic velvet and so on .

3. 检查裁片是否与裁板吻合,裁片的***上层与***下层有无误差,当发现有误差时,应检查裁片的层数与刀模的刀口;Comparing the cutting pieces with the paper mould , checking the cutting pieces whole quality .When we found have tolerance on the cutting pieces , we need to check the fabric layers and machine mould blade .

4. 裁片的颜色不允许有色差,须***与签办一致。进行磨擦与洗水试验时不得有掉色现象的发生; The color of the material must be consistent , as same as confirmation sample .The material will not be fade and can be pass the friction and washing experiments .

5. 有白边的布料,裁床时注意不要将白边裁进去,凡裁片有白边应视为不合格品。If the fabric have the white border , the cutting need to be more careful , the white border can not be left on the cutting pieces . If the cutting pieces have the white border , it will be marked unqualified .
二、 车缝检验: Sewing inspection
1. 车缝的止口应不少于316″尺寸小的玩具的止口应不少于18″  The gap between seam and edge is no less than 3/16 , if the small size , the gap is no less than 1/8 .

2. 车缝时两块布料须***对齐,止口应该均匀。不允许宽窄不一。(特别是圆形和有弧度的裁片的车缝以及脸部的车缝);When sewing , the cutting pieces need to be aligned and the gap need evenly .Avoiding have different widths.( Especially the round pieces , curvature pieces sewing and the face of the sewing .)

3. 车缝的针距,每寸应不少于9针;Sewing pitch, each inch should be no less than 9 needles. 

4. 车缝的末端须***有回车针;The end of the sewing must have a return needle.

5. 车缝用的车线,须***合乎拉力要求(见前面QA试验方法)且用色正确; The sewing thread must meet the rally requirements ( refer to the previous QA test method ) and use the correct color .

6. 在车缝中,车工须***边车缝边用镊子将毛绒往内拨进,避免形成秃毛带In the sewing , the worker need to use the tweezers to dial in the plush, to avoid the formation of the bald hair band .


7. 布标上的车缝,首先应检查所用布标是否正确,不允许将布标上的文字,字母车进去。布标不能打皱,位置不能倒转;When sewing the wash label , the label need to be checked firstly. After confirming ,we can use it .  In the sewing process , the letters on the label shall not be allowed to enter . The label can not be wrinkled and the position can not ne reversed .

8. 车缝时,玩具的两手,两脚,两耳的毛向须***一致,并且要对称(特殊情况除外);The plush toys hands , feet , ears of the hair must be consistent and symmetry in the sewing .( except for special circumstances )

9. 玩具头部的中线须***与身体的中线对齐,玩具身体接合处的车缝线须***吻合。(特殊情况除外)。The center line of the head must be aligned with the center line of the body, and the sewing of the body joint must be consistent. ( except for special circumstances )

10. 不允许车缝线上有漏针及跳针之现象发生; The sewing thread must be coherent .

11. 车缝好的半成品应该放在固定位置,以免丢失及弄脏;Sewn semi-finished products should be put in a fixed place , so as not to be lost or solied . 

12. 所有裁剪工具应该妥善保管,上下班要认真清理; All cutting tools should be properly kept ,and cleaned up after work .


13. 遵守客户的其它规定与要求。 Comply with customers requirements and regulations .

三、手工质量检查(成品检查按手工质量标准进行检验) Manual quality inspection:( inspection of finished products according to manual quality standard )

   手工是玩具生产的关键工序,是玩具从半成品到成品的过渡阶段,决定玩具的形象及质量的好坏,各级质检人员须***严格按下列要求进行检验。Manual is a key process for the plush toy produciton , is a transitional stage for the plush toy from the semi-finished products to finished products . It will determin the quality and image for the plush toy .All quality inspection personnel must be follow the requirements strictly .

1、 订眼: Sticth the eyes

A、 检查所用之眼睛是否正确,眼睛质量是否合乎标准,凡有花眼、水泡、残缺、划痕即为不合格品,不可以使用; Checking the eye quality according the standard . If there are presbyopia,incomplete,scratch , it will be marked unquality , also it can not be used .

B、 检查眼垫是否配套,太大或太小都不可以接受; It is not acceptable that the eye pads are too large or too small

C了解眼睛的正确位置,高低眼或眼距错误不可以接受Confirming the correct position for the eye .If the eye position is wrong, it is not acceptable .
D、 在订眼时应调整订眼机的***佳力度,不可使眼睛震裂或松动;The eyes should be nailed firmly .

E、 任何订眼均须***能够承受21LBS的拉力。 The eyes be able to withstand the pull of 21 LBS .

2、 订鼻: Sticth the nose

A、 检查所用之鼻是否正确,表面有无破损,有无变形; Checking the nose quality and shape .

B、 位置摆放正确,位置不对或歪曲均不可以接受; Confirming the nose position , the position is incorrect or distorted will not be acceptable .

C、 调整订眼机的***佳力度,不能因用力不当致使鼻表面破损或松动;Adjust the best strength of the eye machine, improper strength will cause the damage and loosen .

D、 拉力要合乎要求,须***承受21LBS的拉力。 The nose be able to withstand the pull of 21 LBS

3、 热熔: Hot melt


A、 眼、鼻尾部尖锐部位须***热熔,一般要求从******热熔至末端;The sharp part of the eye and nose must be hot melt. It is generally required to be melt from the tip to the end .

B、 热熔不******或热熔过头(将垫片熔掉)均不可接受;The hot melt is not thorough or hot melt is over (melt the gasket off ) are all not be accept .

C、 热熔时注意不要将玩具其它部位烧焦。Be careful not to burn other part of the plush toy during hot melt . 

4、 充棉: Cotton filling

A、 充棉的总体要求是形象饱满而手感柔软; The requirement of cotton filling is full of image and soft to the touch.

B、 充棉须***达到要求之重量,充棉不足或各部不平均不可以接受;The cotton be filled according to requirements strictly,and the cotton should be filled evenly .

C、 注意头部的充棉为要点,嘴部的充棉一定要结实、饱满、突出;Pay attention to the head of cotton , the mouth of the cotton must be firm, plump , prominrnt .

D、 玩具身体各部角落的充棉不可以遗漏; The filling of the plush toy body corners can not be omitted .

E、 凡站立的玩具,四脚充棉应该坚实有力,不能有软塌之感觉; Standing plush toy , four cotton filling should be firm , not too soft .

F、 凡坐立的玩具,屁股及腰部充棉为要点,一定要坐得稳。坐不稳时要用针挑棉,否则不能接受;Sitting plush toy , the cotton on the buttocks and waist is important , must be sit steady . When it can not be sit well , we need to use the needle to pick cotton .

G、 充棉不能使玩具变形,特别是手脚的位置,头部的角度,方向;Filling cotton can not deform the plush toy , especially the hands and feet position , the head angle and direction . 

H、 充棉后玩具的尺寸大小须***与签办一致,不允许比签办小,这是检查充棉的要点; After filling cotton , the plush toy size need to be as same as the confirmation sample . This is the point of the check .

I、 所有充棉之玩具都须***对照签办,不断改进,力求wm****。任何不符合签办之缺点都不可以接受; All mass production plush toy need to be compared with the confirmation sample , continuously improved and strive for perfection . Any defect that does not as same as the confirmation sample is not acceptable .

J、 凡充棉后有爆口,脱纱之现象,均为不合格品。After filling cotton , if there is a broken hole , the phenomenon of picking yarn on the plush toy . It will be marked unquality .

5、 缝口刷毛:Seam brushing  

A、 所有缝口须***严实平整,不允许有破洞,松口之现象,检查方法可用一只圆珠笔向缝口处向内插,不可以插进去,用手抠缝口外不能感到有间隙存在;All seams must be tight and smooth , the holes are not be allowed . We can use a ballpoint pen to check it . When we put the ballpoint pen into the plush toy , the pen can not be passed .Also , we can pull the seam with our hand and feel no gap exist .

B、 缝口时的针距要求每寸不少于10针; Stitch picth , each inch should be no less than 10 needles .

C、 缝口时打结的结头不能暴露在外面; The knot at the seams can not be exposed outside

D、 缝口后不允许看见有棉花从缝口处渗出来; No cotton is allowed to seep out of the seam when we finished the stitch .

E、 刷毛须***干净******,不允许有秃毛带存在。特别手脚的角落部位;Brushing must be clean thorough, especially hand and feet part

F、 在刷薄毛绒时,不要用力过猛,以致将毛绒刷破; When brushing the thin plush , do not force too much , otherwise, the plush will be broken .


G、 刷毛时不能使其它物件(如眼、鼻)受到损坏。在刷这些物件周围时须***用手遮盖,再进行刷毛。Brushing the plush can not be make other parts damaged ( like the eye and nose ) . They must be covered with hand before they are brushed .


6、 吊线: Drop cord

A、 按客户规定及签办要求决定眼睛,嘴部,头部的吊线方法及吊线位置;

According to customer requirements and confirmation sample to make the eye , mouth and head drop cord method and position . 

B、 吊线不可使玩具的形状变形,特别是头部的角度与方向;

The drop cord do not make the plush toy change the shape , especially the head angle and direction .

C、 两眼的吊线须***用力均匀,不可因用力不均而造成眼睛深浅不同,方向不一;

The strength of the two eyes should be equally , uneven force will cause eye deformation , the direction varies .

D、 吊线后打结的线头不可以暴露在体外;

The drop cord knot can not be exposed outside .

E、 吊线后,将玩具身上所有的线头剪除干净;

After drop cord , useless thread need to be cut clean.

F、 目前普遍采用的三角吊线法,顺序介绍:

 At present, we use the normal method is  triangle suturesuspension , rules introduction as below :

1) 从A处进针至B处,然后横至C处,再回到A处;

Enter the needle form A to B , then cross over to C and return to A .

2) 再从A处进针至D处,横至E处后再回到A处打结;

Then enter the needle from A to D , cross over to E ,then go back to A to knot .

G、 按照客户的其它要求进行吊线;

According to clients requirements to make the drop cord .

H、 吊线后玩具的表情,形状应基本上与签办一致,发现有不足处应该认真的改进,直至完全与签办一样;

After drop cord , the plush shape need to be kept as same as the confirmation sample .

If we find the sample have the shortage , we need to improve it well . 

7、 配件:Accessories 

A、 按客户的要求及签办的形状订制各种配件,发现与签办不符之处不可以接受;

According to client and confirmation sample to custom the accessories strictly .

B、 手工订制的各种配件,包括领结,缎带、扣子、花朵等均须***订紧订牢不得松动;

Hand made accessories , including bow ties , ribbons ,buttons,flowers ,ect must be securely fastened and not loosened .

C、 所有配件须***承受4LBS的拉力,质检员须***经常检查玩具配件的拉力是否合乎要求;
All accessories must bear 4 LBS pull and QC need to check the accessories can pass the tensile testing or not .

8、 打吊牌: Hang tag

A、 检查所打吊牌是否正确,及货品所需各种吊牌是否齐全;

Checking the tag is correct or not , and all kinds of tag required for the goods are prepared completely .

B、 特别核对电脑牌号码,价钱牌及价格有无错误;

Checking the informaiton on the tag carefully .

C、 了解正确的打牌方法,*位置及吊牌的排放顺序;

Confirming the correct method and order for the hang tag ,

D、 所有打*之胶针,胶针的头尾须***露出玩具体外,不可留在体内

The tail of the plastic needle must be exposed outside of the plush toy .

E、 有展示盒,彩盒的玩具。须***了解玩具的正确摆放方法及胶针进*位置。
The worker must to know the right place for the plush toy with display case and color box .

9、 吹风: plush cleaning


The function of the plush cleaning is remove the broken wool . Plush cleaning must be thoroughly .

10、探针机: Probe machine


A、 在使用探针机前,须***用金属物品测试其功能范围是否正常;

Before using the probe machine ,It is necessary to use the metal to test the function of the probe machine .

B、 在使用探针机时,须***将玩具各部在探针机上来回摆动,如探针机发出声音及亮红灯,须***立即将该玩具拆线,取出棉花,分别过探针机,直至找到金属物品;

When using the probe machine , the plsuh toy need to be swinged back and forth .If the probe machine sound and light red , the plush toy need to be removed stitch , cotton ,until you find the metal . 

C、 已过探针之玩具与未过探针之玩具须***摆放分明,记号标识;

Plush toy that have been passed the probe machine must be placed separately from the plush toy that have not paased the probe machina .

D、 每次使用探针机,都须***认真填写【探针机使用记录表】。

Every time you use the probe machine , you need to fill the probe record .


所有做手工人员须***保持双手的清洁,不能将油污,油迹粘在玩具上特别是白色    毛绒。凡玩具脏污不可以接受。
All manual personnel must keep hands clean. The oil can not be palced on the plush toy , especailly the white plush toy . If the plush toy is dirty , it can not be accepted .


四、包装检查: Checking packing

A、 检查外箱箱唛是否正确,有无错印漏印,有无用错外箱。外箱印刷是否合乎要求,有油污或模糊不清不可以接受; 

Should check if carton marks are correct,if use the wrong cartons for products.Misty carton marks can not be acceptable.

B、 检查玩具的吊牌是否齐全,是否用错;

Should check if hangtag is complete and if  use wrong hangtag.

C、 检查玩具吊牌的打法有无错误,位置有无错误;

Should check if hangtag position is wrong.

D、 发现装箱之玩具有任何严重或轻微的缺点都须***挑出,要保证无不合格品;

Should pick out defective toys when finding any problems. Ensure that theres no defective goods.

E、 了解客户的包装要求以及正确的包装方法。检查有无错误;

Should understand clients packing requirements and check if theres any mistake.

F、 包装用塑料胶袋,须***印上警告标语,所有胶袋底部须***打孔;

 All the polybag which used to pack plush toys need to be printed warning words and perforated at the bottom.
G、 了解客户有无要求在箱内放置说明书,警告书之类的文字纸张;

Should understand if client need to put product specification or warning sheet in the cartons.
H、 检查箱内玩具摆放是否正确,太挤压及太空都不可以接受;

Should check if toys are put correctly in the cartons. Too extrusion and space are not acceptable

I、 箱内玩具数量与外箱标记之数量须***一致,不可少数;

Quantity of toys in a carton need to be the same as what marked in the carton marks.

J、 检查箱内是否遗留有剪刀,钻子等包装工具,然后将胶袋封口,纸箱封箱;

Should check if scissors and some other packing tools left in the cartons.Then seal polybags and seal the cartons.

K、 封箱时,非透明胶纸不可以将箱唛文字遮盖住;

When seal the cartons,non-transparent tape can not cover up the carton marks.

L、 填写正确的箱号,总数须***符合订单之数量。

Fill in the correct carton number.Total quantity must conform to the order quantity.

五、掷箱试验:throwing cartons test  

由于玩具在箱内要经过较长时间的辗转运输及摔打,为了了解玩具的承受能力及摔打后的状况。须***进行掷箱试验。(特别是有瓷器,彩盒之玩具外箱)。方法如下: Toys need to be transported and knocked in the cartons for a long time.In order to know the bearing capacity of toys and check the situation after throwing,we must do the test of throwing cartons.

A、 将已封口玩具的外箱的任一角,三边,六面举到齐胸处(36″)自由落下注意一角,三边和六面都要摔到。 Hold the carton to the chest and free fall down it.

B、 将箱子打开,检查箱内玩具的状况。根据玩具的承受情况决定是否要改变包装方法,调换外箱。  Open the carton and check the situation of toys.According to the bear to decide whether to change the packaging method or exchange a carton.

六、电子测试: Electronic Testing

A、 所有电子产品(装有电子配件的毛绒玩具)都须***100%的检验,而且要做到进货时仓库要领10%检验,安装时工人要100%的检验; All electronic products ( plush toys with electronic accessories) must be 100% inspected. Warehouse need to pick up 10% for inspection and workers need to do 100% of the inspection when installation

B、 取几只电子配件做寿命测试,一般说来,鸣叫类的电子配件须***连续叫唤700次左右为合格品;Take a few electronic accessories to do life testing.In general, tweets electronic accessories must call for about 700 times to be as qualified products;
C、 所有声音不响,声音轻微,声音有间隔或故障的电子配件都不可以安装在玩具上。安装了此类电子配件玩具亦为不合格品; All electronic accessories without sound,with mild sound or out of order cannot be installed on the toy.Toys installed such electronic accessories are identified as defective products

D、 根据客户的其它规定检验电子产品。 Need to inspect electronic products according customers other  regulations.

七、安全性检查: safety inspection

1、 鉴于欧美及其它******对玩具安全性之严格要求,以及目前国外消费者因安全问题向国内玩具厂家索赔之事频频发生。玩具的安全性须***引起有关人员的高度重视。 The requirements of toys safety in the Europe,USA and some other countries is very strict.Foreign customers often claim to domestic toy manufacturers because of safety issues.Related staff need to pay high attention to safety of toys.

A、 手工针头,须***摆放在固定软包上,不可以直接插在玩具上,做到人离开针拔出;Needles must to be put on a fixed soft bag.They cant be directly inserted on the toy.Employees must pull out the needle when leaving.

B、 断针须***找到另一截针头,然后将两截针头上报车间班组主管,换取新针,找不到断针的玩具须***过探针器寻找;If needle is broken,employees must find all  the broken pieces then take them to the workshop team leader to exchange a new needle.If broken needles cannot be found in the toys,we need to look for the needles by probe.
C、 每个手工只可以发一只工作用针。所有钢质工具应该统一摆放,不可随意摆放;  Each worker can only have a work needle.All steel tools should be placed in a unified manner.They cannot be put freely.

D、 正确使用刷毛用钢刷,刷毛完毕后,要用手探摸刷毛处。 The steel brusher need to be used correctly.When brushing fabric is finished,workers need to touch the brusher by hand to check no steel left on the toy.

2、 玩具身上的配件,包括眼、鼻、纽扣,丝带,领结等,可能会被小孩(消费者)扯下吞食,发生危险,因此须***将所有配件订紧订牢,并符合拉力要求。

Accessories of toy including eyes,nose,buttons,ribbon,bows and so on may be ripped apart and swallowed by children(Customers).

A、 眼睛,鼻子须***承受21LBS的拉力; Eyes and nose must bear the pull of 21 LBS; 

B、 丝带,花朵,纽扣须***承受4LBS的拉力;buttons,ribbon and bows  must bear the pull of 4 LBS.
C、 岗位质检员须***经常测试以上配件的拉力,有时发现问题,并与工程师及车间一起解决; QC must always test the pull of the above accessories.When finding the problem,they should solve the problem together with engineers and workshops.

3、 所有包装玩具用胶袋,须***印上警告语,并在其底部打孔,以免小孩套在头上发生危险。 All the polybag which used to pack plush toys need to be printed warning words and perforated at the bottom,so as to avoid the risk of a child put it in the head.

4、 所有丝状,网状物须***有警告语,年龄标志。 All filaments, mesh must have warning signs and age signs.

5、 玩具所有布料,辅料不可有有毒化学物质存在,以免小孩舌舔发生危险;

All fabrics and accessories of toys can not have toxic chemicals,so as to avoid the risk of children licking the fabric.

6、 包装箱内不可有剪刀,钻头等金属物品遗留在内

Scissors and some other metal items can not be left in the cartons.

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